Help Center
Utilisez ce texte pour partager des informations sur votre produit ou vos politiques d'expédition.
Expédiez-vous à l'étranger ?
Oui, nous expédions partout dans le monde. Des frais d'expédition s'appliqueront et seront ajoutés à la caisse. Nous organisons des remises et des promotions toute l'année, alors restez à l'écoute pour des offres exclusives.
Combien de temps faudra-t-il pour recevoir mes commandes ?
Ca dépend d'où tu es. Les commandes traitées ici prendront 5 à 7 jours ouvrables pour arriver. Les livraisons à l'étranger peuvent prendre de 7 à 16 jours. Les détails de livraison seront fournis dans votre e-mail de confirmation.
Des questions?
Vous pouvez nous contacter via notre page contact ! Nous serons heureux de vous aider.
Do You Ship Internationally?
Yes, we FREE ship to most countries worldwide.
How Long Will My Order Take To Be Delivered?
Please allow 2-5 business days for processing your order. After which, your order will be ready to ship out. It usually takes only 3-5 business days for shipping to the US and 21-30 business days for international shipping, depending on your location.
How do I track my package?
We will send you a tracking number when your order ships.
To track your order please go to Track Order an enter the tracking number provided to you.
Why Can't I Track My Order On The Website
Please note that the tracking information will be displayed after 5-10 days after being updated.
Therefore, if you can't find tracking information about your package, please try in 1-3 days later.
Help! There's A Problem With My Shipment!
If there's an issue with your package, please contact us Please be sure to include your order and tracking numbers, a brief explanation of the problem, and any case or reference numbers you have started with the carrier.
Why Is My Shipment Status Not Updating?
Your shipment may be delayed for many reasons. Common delays can be due to e.g. weather incidents, customs or backlogs.
How Do I Order?
Browse through the products that you love, then click "Add to cart" and "Check out". Enter your shipping and billing details and wait for your order to arrived at your doorstep. It is that easy :)
Oh No! I Need To Modify My Order!
Unfortunately, please note that we are only able to make changes to your order if it has not been fulfilled yet. If you want to change anything in your order, please contact us via email within 24 hours after placing your order. If the order has been shipped, we can no longer make modifications to your order.
What Is Your Refund Policy?
You can have a look at our return policy Here
Oh No! I Need To Modify My Order!
Unfortunately, please note that we are only able to make changes to your order if it has not been fulfilled yet. If you want to change anything in your order, please contact us via email within 24 hours after placing your order. If the order has been shipped, we can no longer make modifications to your order.
Contact Us